Moving from ILT to digital learning

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We know that the learning world is full of discussions around using alternative methods of learning. 'The millennial is engaged like this....' and 'this piece of technology can do this....'. Clearly across organisations this is something we are becoming increasingly aware of within L&D. But a question we see ourselves answering is 'so how do we actually move towards and use/support alternative methods of learning in our organisations?'.

So with all the talk around how we should support/implement/explore alternative methods of learning such as social, online, bite-sized, personalised and micro-learning (to name a few) many are not nailing exactly what phases or steps that should be considered to head in the direction of a more 70:20:10 approach.

Us Learning Boffins have been looking at exactly this. We have tried to pinpoint what we see as key phases of the journey from our experience that you go through to move towards a more of a blended learning approach, so here we are:

Step 1. Business Plan - Create a business plan to facilitate your transformation. Consider the key questions here around current capabilities, future needs and potential implementation, integration and maintenance costs for new technology.

Step 2. Market Analysis - So we know our requirements, what technology is out there that can address and support this?

Step 3. SME and stakeholder buy-in - Appoint the SME for the new technology, get buy-in from your stakeholders and make sure IT have been included!

Step 4. New roles/re-shaping L&D - A new shape, new additions, new technology and new techniques means L&D require new skills, therefore address the gaps here and appoint new roles accordingly

Step 5. Content - Where is your learning content coming from? Third parties, curated internally or created internally?

Step 6. Communication and change management - This is a HUGE phase of the journey, communicate, get awareness, get end-users understanding and make sure they get the benefits, the point of it and how they can use it to benefit their own learning. Don't leave this till the end, all of the previous work becomes obsolete and the investment will be lost.

Step 7. Pilot/test/change/feedback - Employees need to be involved here, allow time for testing and piloting to see how it could potentially be changed, improved or removed. This could be a time consuming phase but no buy-in from employees makes it difficult for the new learning tools to be utilised and therefore for it to become a positive investment

Step 8. Roll out and on-going management - Once the technology has been successfully rolled out, it needs to be continually assessed. Ensuring that content remains relevant and that it has the desired business impact.

Every journey will have a slightly different angle and the phase will look different from one to the other organisation. It all depends on the particular requirements, purpose, type of technology and scale.

To discuss the journey further and how Learning Boffins are able to support at each of these phases, then tweet us @LearningBoffins we would love to discuss your Digital Learning Journey with you!


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