Learning Tech 2016: The Learning Boffin’s Perspective

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As always Olympia showcased Learning Technologies for 2016. There was an incredible turn out of vendors offering different learning solutions. Us Learning Boffins went to the show to have some good conversations and pick up on the key themes that are being talked about in the learning world. Below we capture some of our after thoughts in bullet form:

1.       Social is not a replacement for all learning: This was a debate we took away; so many people are talking about social but is it a replacement to already existing learning or is it a supplement? We argued that…this type of learning is not a replacement to all learning; it brings most benefit by supplementing and complimenting formal learning. Organisations should look to borrow from social media/learning proactively rather than totally replace all existing learning.

2.       Uberfication of learning: Many were saying the way he acquire knowledge outside of work is normally different than the corporate world. Technology can support this, we saw a number of different vendors showcasing opportunities to support this type of learning. More than previous years.

3.       A role shift for L&D professionals: Supporting social learning requires L&D to shift from a learning broker to a guide, by not forcing content but rather tempting people to use content. But formal learning still remains, so there needs to be a balance between the broker and the guide for an L&D professional. How best can we approach this?

4.       Uptake on social can be difficult: Market your social learning offering vigorously, never expect people to utilise it without this. Again is this meaning a role shift for L&D?

5.       Favourite quote of the show: from Julian Stodd: ‘In the old world, technology was a mechanism of control over the individual: in the new world, it should be facilitating’. Highlighting how technology is a ‘booster rocket’ to support new ways of learning.

6.       What if dragons den were to evaluate the investment your organisation has on learning? Could you show the impact you are really making?  Interesting question that we should all be thinking about in L&D. How honestly could you answer it?

This covers off only a fraction of the show, but what do you think of our points above? Do you agree or something different? Let us know…… 

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