Helping you to effectively… Support Social Collaboration

16:08:00 Learning Boffins 0 Comments

Outside of work, people use and engage with social media platforms on a daily basis for personal learning. For many, particularly those existing Gen Y employees, and the Post-Millennials just starting out in the workplace, it’s second nature to use these platforms as a way of learning and accessing knowledge. The world of learning and development (L&D), at least from a provider point of view, has embraced this trend. There are now several companies in the market that have developed platforms to support social learning in the workplace. But while many L&D departments have followed their lead and welcomed this shift in learning, not everyone is where they need to be.

Our consultancy team has direct experience of advising clients on implementing, managing and maintaining the support for social collaboration.

A growing number of organisations are looking to introduce social and collaborative learning elements across their businesses, and we know that supporting social communities requires a lot of work — both up-front and in terms of ongoing maintenance. Despite their informal nature, social communities are unlikely to grow organically.

Careful planning is needed to ensure a social learning platform meets its objectives, through a strategy that will help to grow and nurture the community at each phase of its development. Our consultants can advise on the best way to do this, and can help you understand the impact social communities are having on the business.

The diagram below highlights the areas where we can support and advise:

The benefits of social collaboration

•  Increased collaboration across the business
•  Engaged employees who learn ‘at the point of need’
•  Easier access to best practice processes
•  Recognised subject matter experts for your community
•  An empowered learning community — employees in control of their own learning journey

Examples of Success

From our experience and through our support we can achieve the following with your social communities:
•  34% more engagement
•  133% more likely to reduce silos
•  80% increased chance of sharing best practice across the business

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